Answering a few quick questions will help us get you scheduled to work with with an appropriate member of our extended team.

To start, please select from one of the two options below.

IMPORTANT: If you need help with both, please start with Option 1. Appointments scheduled via Option 2 are strictly for LMS integration help, and your McGraw Hill courseware must be set up prior.

Choose your course area.

← Restart

Choose your discipline.

← Restart

Choose your discipline.

← Restart

Choose your discipline.

← Restart

What courseware do you need help with?

If you are unsure which one to select, please consult your dedicated Learning Technology Representative (Not sure who that is? CLICK HERE to look them up). If you need help with more than one, please schedule a separate appointment for each.

← Restart

Choose your discipline.

What courseware do you need help with?

If you are unsure which one to select, please consult your dedicated Learning Technology Representative (Not sure who that is? CLICK HERE to look them up). If you need help with more than one, please schedule a separate appointment for each.

← Restart

Choose your discipline.

What courseware do you need help with?

If you are unsure which one to select, please consult your dedicated Learning Technology Representative (Not sure who that is? CLICK HERE to look them up). If you need help with more than one, please schedule a separate appointment for each.

← Restart

Choose your discipline.

What courseware are you integrating with your Learning Management System?

← Restart

Select your Learning Management System for Connect

If your LMS is not listed please contact your Learning Technology Representative for further assistance. Not sure who that is? CLICK HERE to look them up.

← Restart

If your LMS is not listed please contact your Learning Technology Representative for further assistance. Not sure who that is? CLICK HERE to look them up.

← Restart

If your LMS is not listed please contact your Learning Technology Representative for further assistance. Not sure who that is? CLICK HERE to look them up.

← Restart