What is ALEKS?

As you begin each class, we know that you welcome a group of students with a wide range of preparation and a variety of math backgrounds. ALEKS was designed to support this challenge. ALEKS is a mastery-based learning platform that identifies what your students know, what they don't know, and what they are ready to learn.
Regardless of your course structure or format, ALEKS empowers instructors with the flexibility and control to create an environment that helps students achieve their unique goals. ALEKS supports various formats including traditional face-to-face, online, lab-based, co-requisite, bootcamp/summer prep, hybrid, modular, or flipped.
Like having an extra tutor in the classroom, ALEKS helps you facilitate even more meaningful interactions with students, resulting in more motivated, confident, and lifelong learners.
ALEKS is rooted in research and analytics. It was developed by cognitive scientists, software engineers, mathematicians, and educators who wanted to break the mold of standardized assessments and traditional classrooms. Using ground-breaking research in Knowledge Space Theory, these pioneers in adaptive learning designed an efficient way to measure students’ knowledge to provide them with a personalized, meaningful learning experience.
Each student has a unique knowledge state that consists of the topics she knows, doesn’t know, and is ready to learn. As students work in ALEKS, their knowledge state GROWS with learning and can shrink when they forget. Instead of relying on self-evaluation or a one-size-fits all model, ALEKS creates an efficient, personalized path through the course content based on each student’s unique knowledge state.
Knowledge spaces are mathematical structures that model how the feasible knowledge states in a subject connect. ALEKS utilizes this model to dynamically map out a unique learning path for each student to get her from her initial knowledge state to the full knowledge state, or mastery of the subject. The image here represents all the possible learning paths for a Beginning Algebra course. Your average course has over a trillion feasible knowledge states.

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