Your theme includes brand-approved styling that controls the look and feel of your creative. Take a look at our video to really understand the power of themes. Then as you review your theme, take a peek at the tooltips ( ) along the way that explain how your theme affects that element.
Themes are flexible and can be adjusted and/or updated to best meet your needs. If you have any questions, please reach out to your account manager for help.
Neutural Gray Value 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt mi ac sem lobortis, finibus vulputate nulla commodo. Fusce auctor orci quis odio consectetur, nec porta lorem fermentum. Mauris porta, lectus in sodales porttitor, leo neque feugiat libero, vitae semper libero neque vitae augue.
Vivamus lacinia, ligula eget congue fringilla, ipsum leo euismod est, et molestie tortor arcu non sem. Sed quis nunc auctor est consequat elementum vel sed dui. Etiam tempus dignissim diam, rhoncus consequat elit tincidunt vitae. Aliquam bibendum ex tincidunt pellentesque rutrum.
Heritage Red
Academic Blue
Neutural Gray Value 9
Neutural Gray Value 3
Neutural Gray Value 2
Medium Megenta
Rounded Corners
Drop Shadow Bottom
Heritage Red Border